Ashtavinayak Supari(Betel Nut)


Buy Ashtavinayak Supari(Betel Nut) for Pooja at Wholesale Price.



Ashtavinayak Supari, also known as Betel Nut, holds great significance in Hindu religious ceremonies and Puja rituals, particularly during the worship of Lord Ganesha. It is considered a sacred offering and symbolizes auspiciousness and blessings. It is considered an extremely pure substance that allows the connection to the divine powers. Let’s explore the product description,

It refers to a set of eight betel nuts, each representing one of the eight forms of Lord Ganesha. These betel nuts are typically kept in a consecrated container or plate and are used as offerings during Puja ceremonies. They are often beautifully decorated and adorned with colors and jewels.


  1. Symbolic Significance: It represents the presence and blessings of Lord Ganesha. Each betel nut symbolizes one of the eight forms of Lord Ganesha, and their presence during Puja ceremonies is believed to invoke his divine qualities such as wisdom, intellect, prosperity, and the removal of obstacles.
  2. Auspiciousness: Betel nuts have been considered auspicious in many cultures and religious traditions. It is believed to bring good fortune, protection, and positive energies to the worship space and the participants in the ritual. It is considered a sacred offering to seek blessings and overcome obstacles.

Uses in Puja:

  1. Offering to Lord Ganesha: Supari is offered as a sacred offering to Lord Ganesha during Puja. Each betel nut is placed in front of the deity, representing the eight forms of the deity. This act symbolizes reverence, devotion, and seeking the blessings and guidance of Lord Ganesha.
  2. Blessings and Prayers: It can be held in the hand while reciting prayers, mantras, or chants dedicated to Lord Ganesha. They are believed to absorb the positive vibrations and blessings invoked during the prayers, and devotees seek their blessings by touching them to their forehead or placing them on the altar.
  3. Decorative Purposes: It is often used for decorative purposes during Puja ceremonies. They can be arranged in a pattern or placed alongside other sacred items, adding a visually pleasing element to the worship space and creating a sacred ambiance.
  4. Rituals and Puja Accessories: It can be used as a part of specific rituals dedicated to Lord Ganesha, such as Abhishek (ritual bath) or archana (offering of flowers or sacred materials). They can also be used in combination with other Puja accessories like flowers, incense, and lamps to enhance the beauty and sanctity of the ritual.