Lord Jagannatha Vishnu Statue


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Additional Details:
✅ Material: Brass
✅ Theme: Ethnic
✅ Colour: Gold
✅ Suitable For: Table
✅ Style: Traditional

Jagannatha is considered the avatar of lord Vishnu. He is worshipped in different forms on different occasions. If someone worshiped lord Jagannatha with full devotion and love at their home, the lord showered his blessings on them. There is no need to be Hindu to worship the lord, only you should have admiration for it.


  1. Divine Blessings: The presence of Lord Jagannatha Vishnu in the form of a brass idol is believed to invite divine blessings into homes and worship spaces. Devotees seek the grace and protection of Lord Vishnu, the preserver and sustainer of the universe.
  2. Symbol of Preservation: Lord Vishnu is considered the preserver of the cosmic order. The brass idol serves as a symbolic representation of Lord Jagannatha Vishnu’s role in preserving dharma (righteousness) and maintaining cosmic balance.
  3. Spiritual Upliftment: Worshipping Lord Vishnu through the brass idol is believed to bring spiritual upliftment. Devotees engage in prayers and rituals to connect with the divine energy, fostering a sense of devotion and reverence.
  4. Protection and Guidance: It is revered for providing protection and guidance to devotees. Having the brass idol in homes is believed to create a spiritual shield, offering protection from negative influences and guidance on the path of righteousness.
  5. Harmony and Balance: Lord Vishnu is often depicted as resting on the cosmic serpent Ananta Shesha, symbolizing the balance and harmony in the universe. The brass idol represents the cosmic equilibrium and serves as a reminder of the importance of balance in life.
  6. Auspicious Energy: It is considered highly auspicious. The brass idol is believed to radiate positive and auspicious energy, creating a sacred atmosphere in the worship space.
  7. Removal of Obstacles: Devotees pray to Lord Vishnu for the removal of obstacles and challenges in their lives. The brass idol serves as a focal point for such prayers, symbolizing the devotee’s faith in Lord Jagannatha Vishnu’s ability to overcome hurdles.
  8. Cultural and Religious Heritage: The brass idol carries cultural and religious significance, especially in the context of Hinduism. Its presence in homes reflects a connection to the rich heritage and traditions associated with the worship of Lord Vishnu.
  9. Devotional Practices: The brass idol becomes a centerpiece for devotional practices such as daily prayers, aarti, and meditation. Devotees engage in these rituals to express their love and devotion to Lord Jagannatha Vishnu.
  10. Symbolic Representation of Cosmic Form: Lord Vishnu’s cosmic form, with multiple arms holding various divine weapons, symbolizes his omnipotence and cosmic authority. The brass idol captures this symbolic representation, reminding devotees of the cosmic grandeur of Lord Jagannatha Vishnu.
  11. Cleansing Rituals:  Worshipping the brass idol often involves the performance of cleansing rituals, including the application of sacred substances like water, milk, and sandalwood paste. These rituals are believed to purify the idol and create a sacred space for divine communion.
  12. Eternal Truth and Dharma: Lord Vishnu, as the sustainer of dharma, represents the eternal truth and cosmic order. The brass idol becomes a physical representation of this concept, inspiring devotees to align their lives with righteous principles.
  13. Generosity and Compassion: It is often depicted as a compassionate deity who extends his benevolence to all beings. The brass idol serves as a visual reminder of the qualities of generosity and compassion associated with Lord Vishnu.
  14. Family Harmony and Well-Being: Devotees pray to Lord Vishnu for the well-being and harmony of their families. The brass idol becomes a source of spiritual strength, promoting familial bonds and ensuring the welfare of all family members.
  15. Symbol of Universal Love: Lord Vishnu, in his universal form, is a symbol of love that encompasses the entire cosmos. The brass idol serves as a representation of this universal love, inspiring devotees to cultivate love and compassion in their lives.